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    Mengarungi Samudra

    Thursday, December 29, 2011

    Health Benefits of Wine

    Health Benefits
    Making Wine
    Building a Wine Cellar
    Health Benefits of Wine
    The health benefits of wine have long been suspected and debated. Only recently are scientists beginning to truly understand the many health benefits that wine can provide and the reasons behind them.

    Wine is loaded with powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. These natural compounds are also found in fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and tea. One type of polyphenol that is found in abundance in wine is called resveratrol. Resveratrol is an especially potent antioxidant, and studies show that some of its benefits may include:

    * heart disease prevention
    * lower cholesterol
    * cancer prevention
    * better artery health
    * better blood flow

    While scientists do not advise you to start drinking or increase the amount you drink, it is comforting to hear about the benefits of wine when consumed in moderation.
    The French Paradox

    On November 17, 1991, 60 Minutes aired a segment that discussed what they called "The French Paradox." The segment asked the question:

    Why do the French, whose typical diet is high in fat and cholesterol, have an unexpectedly low rate of heart disease?

    They spoke with noted French nutritionist Serge Renaud. Renaud theorized that the answer lied in the high French consumption of wine. Wine's health benefits were helping to counteract the detriments of their diet.

    In the years since the segment was broadcast, resveratrol and other powerful antioxidants have been identified as the source of the benefits of wine. As more studies are completed, the benefits will be more understood. But for now, moderate consumption of wine seems to fit as part of a healthy lifestyle.

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